Classic futurism aesthetic 3 level carrier combined with intricate details and rugged light frame.
Limited close collaboration with KALIBRE™ studio, who excels on their attention to details, their vision, and their exceptional quality.
©2O2O Cordura® / Fidlock® All Rights Reserved.
This bag collapsable into 3 different level and each part can be individually used as sling bags.
for IDN order, you can directly contact +62818425617
All products are sold “as is”. You assume the responsibility for your purchase, and no refunds will be issued. You may contact us within 2 hrs from the purchase date if you wish to exchange your purchase for a product of equal or lesser value. If you choose to exchange you purchase for an item of lesser value, there will be no refund for the difference in price.
Any order placed in our website can be cancelled within 5 hours after placing the order.